Tying it all together

The app we generated in Getting Started and expanded in Modelling the Domain is now ready to be used by real Authors via the Web. Sequent is not a web framework and can be used with any web framework of your choice. For this guide we use Sinatra.

Installing Sinatra

In your Gemfile add:

gem 'sinatra'
gem 'sinatra-flash'
gem 'sinatra-contrib'
gem 'webrick'

And then run bundle install. We will set up Sinatra to run as a modular application.

To make use of Sinatra, we need to create / modify the following files:

Create ./app/web.rb:

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/flash' # for displaying flash messages
require 'sinatra/reloader' # for hot reloading changes we make
require_relative '../blog'

class Web < Sinatra::Base
  enable :sessions
  register Sinatra::Flash

  configure :development do
    register Sinatra::Reloader

  get '/' do
    "Welcome to Sequent!"

  helpers ERB::Util

Update ./config.ru:

require './app/web'

run Web

For now this is enough. On the command line execute bundle exec rackup -p 4567 and open localhost:4567. If you see "Welcome to Sequent!" then we are good to go!

For this guide we want to be able to sign up as an Author. In a later guide we will go full CRUD on the application and actually create Posts with Authors.

This guide will not go into styling the web application we are creating, to keep focus on the usage of Sequent in a web application.

Sign Up as Author

The get '/' method will serve a sign up/sign in form. This form ties to the AddAuthor command.

First we change the get '/' method to serve us an erb containing an html form, allowing us to post a form with the name and email values that the AddAuthor command requires.

In app/web.rb add:

class Web < Sinatra::Base

  get '/' do
    erb :index


Create app/views/index.erb:

    <pre><%= flash.inspect %></pre>
    <form method="post" action="/authors">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
        <label for="email">Email</label>
        <input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
      <button>Create author</button>

When visiting localhost:4567, we see a simple form that allows us to submit values for creating a new Author.

In order to achieve the functionality of actually creating an author, we need to respond to the post '/authors' method. We need to parse the post params and construct a Sequent::Command that we will pass into the CommandService.

In app/web.rb add:

post '/authors' do
  author_id = Sequent.new_uuid
  command = AddAuthor.from_params(params.merge(aggregate_id: author_id))
  Sequent.command_service.execute_commands *command

  flash[:notice] = 'Account created'
  redirect "/"

Calling a command in Sequent generally follows the code signature as seen above:

  1. Parse parameters to the relevant Command
  2. Execute Command
  3. Redirect (or do whatever you like)

Let’s fill in a name and an e-mail and see what happens when we click on Create author.

It blows up with the following error:

ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished at /
No connection pool with 'primary' found.`

Since we are using ActiveRecord outside Rails we need to set up connection handling ourselves.

In order to do so, we can create a simple Database class that handles creating connections to the database.

Connecting to a Database

Create app/database.rb:

require 'yaml'
require 'erb'
require 'active_record'
require 'sequent'

class Database
  class << self
    def database_config(env = ENV['SEQUENT_ENV'])
      @config ||= YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read('db/database.yml')).result, aliases: true)[env]

    def establish_connection(env = ENV['SEQUENT_ENV'])
      config = database_config(env)
      yield(config) if block_given?
      Sequent::ApplicationRecord.configurations = { env.to_s => config.stringify_keys }
      Sequent::ApplicationRecord.establish_connection config

As you can see this is just a small wrapper for ActiveRecord. To establish the database connections on boot time we add a file boot.rb

This will contain all the code needed to require and boot our app. In the case that the SEQUENT_ENV is unset, we set it equal to ‘development’, which ensures the correct database config is loaded before connecting.

Create boot.rb:

ENV['SEQUENT_ENV'] ||= 'development'

require './app/database'

require './app/web'

Update config.ru:

require './boot'

run Web

Since we are using Sinatra, we also need to give the transaction back to the pool after each request. So we need to add an after block in our app/web.rb.

Update app/web.rb:

class Web < Sinatra::Base

  after do


If you are using the multiple db feature and have more than one role for your database, you need to clear the connection for each role:

class Web < Sinatra::Base

  after do
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.all_connection_pools.map(&:role).each do |role|


Let’s restart the app, fill in a name and email, and submit the form.


Yeah! We successfully transformed an html form to a Command and executed it.

When the name and/or e-mail field is empty when submitting the form, you will see a CommandNotValid error. This is the error Sequent raises when Command validations fail. You can handle these exceptions any way you like.

Let’s inspect the sequent_schema and see if the events are actually stored in the database.

$ psql blog_development

blog_development=# select aggregate_id, sequence_number, event_type from sequent_schema.event_records order by id, sequence_number;
             aggregate_id             | sequence_number |    event_type
 85507d60-8645-4a8a-bdb8-3a9c86a0c635 |               1 | UsernamesCreated
 85507d60-8645-4a8a-bdb8-3a9c86a0c635 |               2 | UsernameAdded
 a8b1a534-f50b-4173-a73b-5b4a8bbcdd12 |               1 | AuthorCreated
 a8b1a534-f50b-4173-a73b-5b4a8bbcdd12 |               2 | AuthorNameSet
 a8b1a534-f50b-4173-a73b-5b4a8bbcdd12 |               3 | AuthorEmailSet
(5 rows)

We can see all our events are stored in the event store. The column event_json is left out of the query for readability.

Creating a Projector and using Migrations

Next we will display the existing authors. In Sequent this is done in 5 steps:

1. Create the AuthorRecord

Since we are using ActiveRecord, we need to create a record class corresponding to Author that we will call the AuthorRecord.

Create app/records/author_record.rb:

class AuthorRecord < Sequent::ApplicationRecord

2. Create the corresponding SQL file

Create db/tables/author_records.sql:

CREATE TABLE author_records%SUFFIX% (
    id serial NOT NULL,
    aggregate_id uuid NOT NULL,
    name character varying,
    email character varying,
    CONSTRAINT author_records_pkey%SUFFIX% PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX author_records_keys%SUFFIX% ON author_records%SUFFIX% USING btree (aggregate_id);

3. Create the Projector

In order to create an AuthorRecord based on the events we need to create the AuthorProjector

Create app/projectors/author_projector.rb:

require_relative '../records/author_record'
require_relative '../../lib/author/events'

class AuthorProjector < Sequent::Projector
  manages_tables AuthorRecord

  on AuthorCreated do |event|
      aggregate_id: event.aggregate_id

  on AuthorNameSet do |event|
      {aggregate_id: event.aggregate_id},

  on AuthorEmailSet do |event|
      {aggregate_id: event.aggregate_id},

Remember to ensure it’s being required in blog.rb:

require_relative 'app/projectors/author_projector'

4. Update Sequent configuration

Add the new projector to our Sequent config.

Update config/initializers/sequent.rb:

require './db/migrations'

Sequent.configure do |config|
  config.migrations_class_name = 'Migrations'

  config.command_handlers = [

  config.event_handlers = [

5. Update and run the migration

Update db/migrations.rb:

VIEW_SCHEMA_VERSION = 2 # <= update this to version 2

class Migrations < Sequent::Migrations::Projectors
  def self.version

  def self.versions
      '1' => [
      '2' => [ # <= add here which projectors you want to rebuild

Make sure you have updated your VIEW_SCHEMA_VERSION constant.

Stop your app, run this migration and see what happens:

$ bundle exec rake sequent:migrate:online && bundle exec rake sequent:migrate:offline
INFO -- : group_exponent: 3
INFO -- : Start replaying events
INFO -- : Number of groups 4096
INFO -- : group_exponent: 1
INFO -- : Start replaying events
INFO -- : Number of groups 16
INFO -- : Migrated to version 2

Let’s inspect the database again:

$ psql blog_development
blog_development=# select * from view_schema.author_records;
 id |             aggregate_id             | name |     email
  1 | a8b1a534-f50b-4173-a73b-5b4a8bbcdd12 | ben  | ben@sequent.io

We have authors in the database! This means we can also display them in our app.

Displaying the Authors

Let’s create a new view to display the details of an individual author.

In app/web.rb add:

class Web < Sinatra::Base``

  get '/authors/:aggregate_id' do
    @author = AuthorRecord.find_by(aggregate_id: params[:aggregate_id])
    erb :'authors/show'


Create app/views/authors/show.erb:

    <h1>Author <%= h @author.name %> </h1>
    <p>Email: <%= h @author.email %></p>
      <a href="/authors">Show all</a>

To allow navigation inside the web app we add the following methods and views:

In app/web.rb add:

class Web < Sinatra::Base

  get '/authors' do
    @authors = AuthorRecord.all
    erb :'authors/index'


In app/views/index.erb add:

    <nav style="border-bottom: 1px solid #333; padding-bottom: 1rem;">
      <a href="/authors">All authors</a>


Create app/views/authors/index.erb:

      Back to <a href="/">index</a>
        <% @authors.each do |author| %>
              <a href="/authors/<%= author.aggregate_id %>"><%= h author.aggregate_id %></a>
            <td><%= h author.name %></td>
            <td><%= h author.email %></td>
        <% end %>


In this guide we learned:

  1. How to use Sequent in a Sinatra web application
  2. Add a Projector and Migration
  3. Use the Projector to display data in the web application

The full sourcecode of this guide is available here: sequent-examples.

We will continue with this app in the Finishing the web application guide.