The CommandService is the interface to schedule commands in Sequent. To execute a Command, pass it to the CommandService. For instance from a Sinatra controller:

class Users < Sinatra::Base
  post '/create' do
      aggregate_id: Sequent.new_uuid,
      name: params[:name]

By default all Commands passed into the CommandService are executed in a single transaction. When something fails, an Exception is raised and the transaction is rolled back.

Order of Command execution

Commands are executed in the order in which they are scheduled. For instance if you schedule new Commands in a Workflow running in the foreground, it will be added to the queue of Commands. For instance:

# command c1 results in event e1
on c1 do
  apply e1

# workflow: event e1 results in new command c3
on e1 do

# main
execute_commands(c1, c2)

The order in which Commands are “executed” is:

  • c1
  • c2
  • c3

So Command c1 results in Event e1 that will result in the execution of Command c3. However since Command c2 is scheduled first, it will also be executed first.

Order of Event publishing

The Events resulting from an executed Command are published and stored in the EventStore. When publishing events, Sequent takes into account the order in which AggregateRoots were loaded from the AggregateRepository. For example when loading two AggregateRoots, all the events for the first loaded AggregateRoot will be published before the events for the second loaded AggregateRoot, regardless of their call order in the command handler block.



class InvoiceCommandHandler < Sequent::CommandHandler
  on MarkInvoicesPaid do
    invoice_1 = repository.load_aggregate(c1.aggregate_id)
    invoice_2 = repository.load_aggregate(c1.invoice_2_id)
    invoice_2.mark_paid # applies event InvoiceMarkPaid
    invoice_1.mark_paid # applies event InvoiceMarkPaid
    invoice_2.finalize # applies event InvoiceFinalized
    invoice_1.finalize # applies event InvoiceFinalized

Given the above example the order in which the events are published is:

  • InvoiceMarkPaid for invoice_1
  • InvoiceFinalized for invoice_1
  • InvoiceMarkPaid for invoice_2
  • InvoiceFinalized for invoice_2

Since invoice_1 is loaded first from the AggregateRepository all it’s Events (ordered as they occurred) as a result from the Command MarkInvoicesPaid will be published first. Then all events from invoice_2 will be published.


You can add middleware to the CommandService. You can use this to execute code before and after a command is executed. You can add multiple middlewares to the CommandService. The order in which they are executed is the order in which they are added. Each middleware is executed once per execution of a command.

Each middleware needs to quack to def call(command). For example:

class LoggingCommandMiddleware
  def call(command)
    puts "Before executing command #{command}"

    yield # Don't forget to yield (this will call the next middleware in the chain (or execute the command when last in the chain)) 
  rescue StandardError => e
    puts "Error executing command #{command}"

    raise e
    puts "After executing command #{command}"

Sequent.configure do |config|

When executing several commands:

    aggregate_id: Sequent.new_uuid,
    name: 'John Doe'
    aggregate_id: Sequent.new_uuid,
    name: 'Jane Doe'

Results into the following output:

Before executing command #<CreateUser:0x00007fe933958d90 @aggregate_id="dc28438a-6f79-4353-b213-dbdd4e5e9876", @created_at=2023-01-19 14:42:19.541727 +0100, @name="John Doe">
After executing command #<CreateUser:0x00007fe933958d90 @aggregate_id="dc28438a-6f79-4353-b213-dbdd4e5e9876", @created_at=2023-01-19 14:42:19.541727 +0100, @name="John Doe">
Before executing command #<CreateUser:0x00007fe936a74be0 @aggregate_id="405327c9-a99e-49a6-ba21-7165db8af973", @created_at=2023-01-19 14:43:19.541947 +0100, @name="Jane Doe">
After executing command #<CreateUser:0x00007fe936a74be0 @aggregate_id="405327c9-a99e-49a6-ba21-7165db8af973", @created_at=2023-01-19 14:43:19.541947 +0100, @name="Jane Doe">