Important: Please take note for the current known limitations when working with Projectors and Record classes.

Projectors are responsible for creating projections based on events. Projections are records in tables. Sequent uses ActiveRecord for CRUD-ing records in the database. Sequent uses the term Records to describe the Projections. In Sequent, Projectors inherit from Sequent::Projector. To store something in a Projection you need 3 things in Sequent:

  1. A Projector. Responsible for creating Projections. We are discussing Projectors in this chapter.
  2. A Record class. This is a Sequent::ApplicationRecord class, subclassing ActiveRecord::Base. In Sequent, Records can only be updated/created/deleted inside Projectors. The rest of the application needs to regard these objects as read-only. This however is not enforced in Sequent.
  3. An SQL file. The SQL contains the table definition in which the Record will be stored. Please check out the chapter on Migrations for an in-depth description on how migrations work in Sequent.

The nature of view state in event sourced applications is not compatible with the ActiveRecord migration model, therefore it is not used. In event sourced applications the view state is always derived from Events. When you want to have another view state (maybe you add a column, or group some attributes), you replay the affected Projectors.

In Sequent a Projector is defined as follows:

class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  manages_tables UserRecord

Sequent::Projector exposes the manages_tables method in which you state which Records this Projector manages. There are two important things you need to know:

  1. A Record can only be managed by one Projector. A Projector can however manage multiple Records.
  2. A Projector should only access Records it manages.

A Projector is used in two different stages in your application.

  1. During normal operation. This is when your application is running and Events are coming in. The Projector updates the Records as you specified.
  2. During migrations. During a migration some Projectors are rebuilt in the background to build up new projections. Because of this, a Projector can only access Records it manages, since another Projector might not be finished rebuilding. In Sequent we replay on a per aggregate basis.

If you didn’t set enable_autoregistration to true you will need to add your Projectors manually to your Sequent configuration in order to use them.

  Sequent.configure do |config|
    config.event_handlers = [

Creating a Record

To create a Record in Sequent, you add a code block that listens to the appropriate Event and creates a Record in the database.

class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  on UserCreated do |event|
    create_record(UserRecord, {aggregate_id: event.aggregate_id})

Internally a Projector uses a Sequent::Core::Persistors::Persistor to access the database. During normal operations this is the ActiveRecordPersistor. This means the above code is eventually translated to:

user_record = event.aggregate_id)!

Sequent::Projector provides a set of methods to create/read/update/delete Records as wrapper around ActiveRecord. The reason for the extra abstraction is performance during migration of Projectors. During a migration, a highly optimized Persistor - the ReplayOptimizedPostgresPersistor - is used to speed up bulk inserting. Because of the abstraction, you need to use the provided wrapper methods. This poses some restrictions on how you can use ActiveRecord functionality. For instance you can not add child relations via the parent, as you might be used to in a “normal” ActiveRecord application.

parent =
parent <<!

In Sequent this will not work. You need to persist child records the same as you would persist the parent record.

class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  on ParentCreated do |event|
    create_record(ParentRecord, {aggregate_id: event.aggregate_id})
    event.children.each do |child|
      create_record(ChildRecord, {parent_record_id: event.aggregate_id, child_id: child.child_id})

Updating a record

To update a Record in Sequent, use the update_all_records method. This method has 3 parameters:

  • the Record class
  • the where clause as a Hash (generally using the aggregate_id attribute)
  • the updates as a Hash
class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  on UserNameSet do |event|
      event.attributes.slice(:aggregate_id), # the where clause as a hash
      event.attributes.slice(:firstname, :lastname) # the updates as a hash

Tip: You can access all attrs from an Event via the attributes method. This returns a Hash on which you can call slice, which in turn returns a Hash containing the key value pairs of the keys you requested. This is extra handy if the key names in the attrs are the same as the column names in your table definition.

Deleting a record

To delete a Record in Sequent, use the delete_all_records method. This method has 2 parameters:

  • the Record class
  • the where clause as a Hash (generally using the aggregate_id attribute)
class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  on UserDeleted do |event|
      event.attributes.slice(:aggregate_id), # the where clause as a hash

Reading a record

You can also read a Record in a Projector by using the get_record method. This method has 2 parameters:

  • the Record class
  • the where clause as a Hash (generally using the aggregate_id attribute)

It is not a very common use case, but handy from time to time. For instance you could update the search column for a record for easy searching.

class UserProjector < Sequent::Projector
  on UserNameSet do |event|
    user_record = get_record!(UserRecord, event.attributes.slice(:aggregate_id))
    search_field = "#{user_record.search_field} #{event.firstname} #{event.lastname}"

      event.attributes.slice(:aggregate_id), # the where clause as a hash
      event.attributes.slice(:firstname, :lastname).merge(search_field: search_field) # the updates as a hash

Known limitations

  1. You can not use belongs_to in your Record classes as these will fail if a parent relation does not exist. In a normal application flow this is not a problem, only when replaying Projections this can become a problem due to the order in which events are replayed. The only guarantee Sequent gives is that Events are replayed in order for a single Aggregate, but there is no guaranteed order between different Aggregates.
  2. For the same reason you can not use belongs_to you also can’t use foreign key constraints in your view schema. Relations between Aggregates are typically enforced in the Domain, so foreign key constraints are obsolete in the view schema. For performance reasons you can of course still add indices on your foreign key columns.